ParTec AG
ParTec AG
Information on First Quotation
- Description:
- New Company (Regulated Unofficial Market)
- Segment on First Quotation:
- Scale
- Transaction Type:
- Listing/Introduction
- Supersector:
- Information Technology
- Sector:
- Technology
- Subsector:
- Electronic Components & Hardware
- Country:
- Germany
- Symbol:
- JY0
- First Trading Day (in current segment; s. CSV at "Download"):
- 03 Jul 2023
- DE000A3E5A34
- Class:
- Registered shares with restricted transferability and without par value
- Offering Period:
- -
- Issuing Method:
- Bookbuilding Range:
- -
- Subscription Price:
- First Price:
- € 112.50
- Leading Underwriter:
- Underwriter:
Capital Market Partner:
ICF Bank AG Wertpapierhandelsbank- Placement Volume excl. Greenshoe:
- Placement Volume in Shares excl. Greenshoe:
- Placement Volume incl. Greenshoe:
- Placement Volume of Executed Greenshoe:
- Placement Volume of New Shares:
- Placement Volume of Existing Shares:
- Greenshoe in Shares:
- Greenshoe Executed in Shares:
- Priority Allocation:
- Allocation friends & family:
- Capital Stock / Shares on First Quotation:
- 8,000,000
- Total Market Cap on First Quotation:
- € 900,000,000.00
- Market Cap (Free Float) on First Quotation:
- Free Float on First Quotation:
- Change First Price compared to Issuing Price:
- Further Information: