“Equity Day“ for private investors at Börse Frankfurt
104/2016 “Equity Day“ for private investors at Börse Frankfurt
In connection with measures taken to promote the equity culture in Germany, Deutsche Börse pursues the objective to increase the awareness for equities as an alternative type of investment. For this purpose, an “Equity Day“ will take place at the trading venue Börse Frankfurt on 16 March 2017 for the third time.
On this day, private investors will be given the opportunity to buy all 30 DAX® shares and nine selected ETFs from a countervalue of €1,000 at the trading venue Börse Frankfurt (MIC: XFRA) between 8.00 and 20.00 CET free of charge. For Trading Members registered for the promotion day, Deutsche Börse will waive transaction and trading fees which are usually charged. On their part, Trading Members taking part in the promotion will disclaim on this day commission, trading venue fees, additional charges etc. vis-à-vis their private investors.
If a Trading Member wishes to take part in “Equity Day“, we kindly ask for registration by 27 February 2017 at the latest, using the attached form.