Who we are
The DZ BANK Group forms part of the German cooperative financial network, which includes around 1.000 local cooperative banks and is one of Germanys largest private-sector financial services organizations measured in terms of total assets. Within the cooperative financial network, DZ BANK AG functions as the central institution and is responsible for supporting the business of the cooperative banks in their regions and strengthening their competitiveness. It also operates as a corporate bank and acts as the holding company for the DZ BANK Group.
What we do
The DZ Bank AG offers you a comprehensive range of equity solutions tailored to your needs. Apart from Initial Public Offerings we provide extensive advise and the execution of stock transfers, capital increases and capital market related issues. In this context, our clients profit from our far reaching commitment and the full experience of our well established issuing house and from the placement force of the corporate financial network for private and commercial clients in inland and abroad. Our range of services comprises out of the following capital market activities: cash capital increase with subscription rights, 10 % cash capital increase without subscription rights, up to cash capital increase, appropriate capital increase, stock transfers and IPOs. Furthermore, the DZ BANK AG offers extensive support in corporate action topics such as designated sponsoring, paying agent, share buybacks and the change to registered shares.
What makes us different
The joint central institution (DZ BANK) formed as a result of the merger focuses closely on the local cooperative banks, which are its customers and owners. The DZ BANK Group makes a significant contribution to helping the cooperative banks strengthen their market position by providing them with competitive products and services on a decentralized basis for incorporation into their end-customer business. In the Capital Markets business line, DZ BANK offers its customers investment and risk management products, together with advisory services in connection with the interest rate, credit, equities, and currency asset classes. The range of products and services – which includes both primary and secondary market activities – is based mainly on the needs of the cooperative banks, their retail and corporate customers, and the corporate customers and institutional customers in Germany and abroad supported directly by DZ BANK. The offering also includes research services.
Business fields
- Financial analysis (equity research)
- Trading: Designated Sponsoring (Xetra)
- Investment Banking
- Investor Relations and Public Relations
- Drawing of Prospectus / Due Diligence
- DirectPlace
Key aspects
Target Groups
- Appyling Partner, Scale
- Supporting Partner, Scale
- Assisting Partner
General contact
Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank
Frankfurt am Main
Platz der Republik
60265 Frankfurt am Main
Telephone: +49 69 7447 01
Telefax: +49 69 7447 1685
Andreas John
Abteilungsleiter: Vertreib Aktien (KIA)
Telephone: +49 69 7447 7337
Contact for equities
Elmar Thöne
Group Manager: Issue of shares and services (KIAE)
Telephone: +49 69 7447 1351
Frank Bischoff
Issue of shares and services (KIAE)
Telephone: +49 69 7447 2526